Pardee = 31 = 4. William died in New Haven, Connecticut, on March 7, 1881, of tuberculosis. Her reason for this has to do with the fact that all Masonic initiates must enter the Lodge room through its northwest corner. Through the Looking Glass had many of the qualities that would eventually be understood as the hallmarks of Einsteins Theory of Relativity. For example, lets multiply (get out your calculator) the numbers 7, 11, and 13 by any two digit numberlets use the number 12. Without the application of the Winchester Algorithm, the Spider-web windows would be meaningless. B. Architect. And, indeed, Bacon saw himself (at least metaphorically) as an architect. The room was a perfect time capsule, furnished with an organ, couch, dress forms, sewing machine, and paintings. How about a reason for the doors to nowhere? And, second, when each of Williams names are simplified, they become 777, i.e. Check it out, and watch the Video Trailer! Mar 7 1881 - NEW HAVEN,NEW HAVEN,CONNECTICUT,USA, Oliver Fisher Winchester, Jane E. Winchester (born Hope), Hannah Jane Bennett (born Winchester), Oliver F Winchester, Ann Rebecca Dye (born Winchester), Cause of death: Tuberculosis - Mar 7 1881, 1850 - New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, June 22 1837 - Ville De Baltimore, Maryland, tats-Unis, Oliver FISHER WINCHESTER, Jane Ellen HOPE, Mar 7 1881 - New Haven, Comt De New Haven, Connecticut, tats-Unis, Olivier Fisher WINCHESTER, Jane Ellen HOPE, Hannah Jane WINCHESTER, Ann Rebecca WINCHESTER, a very elegant casKet. There was another vault, like the most depressing and never funny gift-wrapping job ever. The most crucial room in which Sarah wants the initiate to begin his journey of discovery is the Ballroom. This is the only room in the House which was constructed almost entirely without nailsan important feature that mimics the building of Solomons Temple. We then move them around like pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. Although Sarahs labyrinthine House serves the same function as the ancient prototypes, her labyrinth is more a symbolic introductory step into her puzzle. If by mere accident this happens so sound like a familiar name, that is because Sarah was the wife of gun mogul William Wirt Winchester. As a result, Sarah was raised and educated in an environment ripe with Freemasonic and Rosicrucian philosophy. Perhaps Winchester was really using those hours to spy on the help with a series of hidden windows. With that in mind, let us begin the initiates journey down the path that Sarah laid out. As earlier noted, most of Bacons ciphers involved the use of numerological and gematria tables. 13 squared = 169, and 31 squared = 961. The New Haven Register, dated 1886, lists Sarah as having been removed to Europe. No other information has survived to tell us exactly where Mrs. Winchester went during those years or what her activities consisted of. As we shall see, the anomalous features throughout Mrs. Winchesters mansion are a testament to the profound impact higher dimensional geometry had on its design. The story goes that she was convinced the earthquake was caused by angry spirits, so she had them sealed away. We recall that Bacons super word from Loves Labours Lost, honorificabilitudinitatibus, consists of 27 letters. The eighth ordinal is the number 13. All Rosicrucians have a room or space like this situated (as closely as possible) in the center of their homes. Others say she was reaching out to those who met a grisly end at the barrel of a Winchester rifle, while still others say she spent time talking to her husband. And, of course 13, or any variant of 13, multiplied by 444 will always result in 777. Instead of a two dimensional circle, we now see a spherical manifold into which the capstones of the six pyramids invisibly merge together as one. The William Wirt Winchester Hospital in West Haven, Connecticut, was established by his wife Sarah for the treatment of tuberculosis. To this day, the 13 month calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian. Notwithstanding their mutual love, their union was destined by numbers. Unfortunately, due to an infantile decease known as Marasmus (a severe form of malnutrition due to the body's inability to metabolize proteins), Annie died 40 days later. The reason we know that Sarah adopted Bacons numerological methodology stands on the concrete evidence she left behind as testimony to her thoughts and intentions. Each step is just under 2 inches in height. In fact, his Bi-lateral Cipher was so effective it became the model for modern day Morse code and computer operating systems. From shortly after her husband died in 1881 until her own death in 1922, rifle heiress Sarah Winchester lived alone. The double loss of Annie and William was a staggering blow to Sarah. This seems nuts, unless you know Winchester was suffering from chronic arthritis at the time they were built. The misinformation is further compounded by the Haunted House tour business thriving in San Jose as the commercial enterprise known as the Winchester Mystery House which profits by perpetuating the Folklore myth. First, Sarah wants us to achieve a better understanding of her by comparing her with Cressida and Richard II. And, we recall that the number 777 also corresponds to the name William (34) Wirt (25) Winchester (52). 1 Follower Updated: May 26, 2021 William Wirt WinchesterWilliam Winchester(1837 - 1881) 13. Sharan Newman, The REAL HISTORY Behind the Da Vinci Code, published by Berkeley Books, New York, 2005. William = 34, Wirt = 25, Winchester = 52. Founded in 1894, it serves a diverse audience through its collections, public programs, exhibitions, and publications. For reasons I will soon make clear, we know with certainty that young Sarah followed Bacons example. We are forced to ask if Sarah wants us to view these as two, separate 7s or as the number 77 ? Sarah and William had a child Annie Pardee Winchester. Its tantamount to inserting the term Winchester goose (77) inside of the name Winchester (52). Thus, Sarah emulates the dual allusion to the number 47 in the Masonic 3rd Degree lecture by displaying the number twice. He was vice president of the, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States, Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, CT, United States, Oliver Winchester, 52nd Lt. Gov. Instead of pouring her profits back into the company, she funneled them into her house, as an admittedly brilliant way to give her relatives the financial middle finger from across the country. What else are we to see in this window? Its a riveting story of romance, mystery, intrigue, betrayal, plots and murder. Historian Pamela Haag says from the outside, the house looks impressive but not weird. Notice that, in choosing to use these two particular lines, she is accomplishing several things on different and deeper levels. This number or any other variant of 7 squared will always equate to the number 13 (or variants of 13), which then simplify to 4. Its a mind boggling blend of The Martian, Raiders of the Lost Ark and 2001, a Space Odyssey with Surprises, Surprises, Surprisesplus a stunning conclusion that will take you completely by surprise! But most importantly, as we shall see, Sarah adopted the numeric, cryptographic techniques of Francis Bacon, incorporating them into her architecture along with specific Baconian symbols. when the legend becomes fact, print the legend. Fundamentally, the tour guides at the WMH know the canned patter they to feed the tourists is mostly Folklore. Many visitors to the Winchester mansion have justifiably compared its strange design to the work of the late Dutch artist M.C. Financial statistics for the hospital and donations received reported. Thus, Riemann devised a new, higher dimensional geometry that demonstrates how parallel lines can intersect, and arcs, rather than straight lines, can be the shortest distance between two points. Furthermore, she favored the name Annie Pardee for her daughter as evidenced by the manner in which she had Annies obituary printed: Winchester, ANNIE PARDEE. The all Caps part of the name precisely matches the number of letters in the name Sarah Pardee. Upon her arrival in California, Sarah began holding her own sances every midnight so that she could receive the next days building instructions from the spirits. The architecture as art legacy was first passed down by the Roman architect and philosopher Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. Along with Sarahs inclusion of one of Bacons code devises called stops (i.e. Moreover, the name Annie Pardee corresponds with the number 56 in the Pythagorean Cipher. America s Most Haunted Places tops the list of TV shows that grossly reinforces the Folklore. Furthermore, she knew we would see that the number 49 simplifies to 13hence, 13 x 777 = 10101 (111). See advertisement. To further elaborate on this point, authors Jea Yu and Russell Lockhart tell us: In the Fibonacci series, it is at the eighth ordinal point that the ratio between. The "Ark" was located near the eucalyptus grove at Winchester Road, south of what was to become the intersection of Anza Boulevard and U.S. Highway 101. Mrs. Winchester regarded everyone who stepped onto her property as a prospective initiate. Moreover, when we consult the Pythagorean Table, we realize that the number 77 corresponds both to the words Winchester goose and the name Annie Winchester. In three dimensions however, the Spider-web windows topography changes. Furthermore, Sarah infused the numbers 7 and 11 into the architecture because they are lucky numbers. However, the synergistic application of all three numbers (or their variants) is required in order to achieve the product of their higher dimensional symmetry. Furthermore, she began crafting her puzzle long before the construction of the House. These are good people who mean wellbut this is hardly the legacy Sarah wanted to leave to posterity. Borrowing from Bacons methodology, she is purposefully showing us the numbers 45 and 55. 777 x 12 = 9,324. Updated: October 5, 2011 . 1. Then, 169 (13 squared) x 71,148 = 12024012. The value of Phi (the Divine Ratio, or Golden Mean), whose mathematical sequence was discovered by the mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, was not invented by man. While Sarah and the Bacon girls were attending the school, Dr. Bacons sister Delia, also a New Haven resident, attracted considerable fame and attention for writing her famous treatise that Sir Francis Bacon (with the aid of a circle of the finest literary minds of the Elizabethan-Jacobean Age) was the actual author, editor, and publisher of the original works of Shakespeare. [12] The belongings in Winchester Mystery House were left to her niece, Marian I. Marriott, who auctioned off almost everything. The book, of course, was Through the Looking Glassa fitting title, considering the glass or mirror had been regarded as a portal to higher dimensions since Dee and Bacons time. As we saw with Jacobs Ladder, she has combined 44 steps with 7 turnsresulting in the number 51, corresponding to the names Sarah Pardee and Francis Bacon (Pythagorean Cipher). But the primary importance here is that the pair of 16s (standing side-by-side) is a reference to the calendar year 1616. Sure, it's obvious the Winchester company would have been worth a fortune, but you don't know the half of it. Request Permissions, Mark W. Grabowski, Douglas W. Owsley and Karin S. Bruwelheide. Some of the Houses 47 chimneys have an overhead ceilingwhile, in some places, there are skylights covered by a roofand some skylights are covered by another skylightand, in one place, there is a skylight built into the floor. 13, 31, 22, 112, 211, or 1111. Furthermore, it is also the number that is emblematic of the Masonic 3rd Degree as the newly raised Master Mason is twice informed that the number refers to the 47th Proposition of Euclids Elements, better known as the Pythagorean Theorem. And, just to make sure we understand that her display of that number isnt accidental, Sarah repeated the number (according to the official, WMH literature) by building 47 staircases. 1 33 1. Escher also saw the reflective images in mirrors as true representations of higher dimensional space. On this day the construction of the house stopped altogether. John Dees 007 signature as Tubal-Cain, and the traditional Tubal-Cain symbol. In Carrolls wonderland, everything seemed to defy common sense. Clearly, what we see before us wasnt placed there for Sarahs self amusement. But why bother looking beyond the superficial orthodox Folklore when its much more convenient to embrace the myth, and keep reciting the mantra well never know what Mrs. Winchesters thoughts and motives were. However, historians and archeologists would sharply disagree, particularly when the person of interest has deliberately gone to great lengths to leave a well designed trail of clues and artifacts to follow. You're probably working 40 or more hours a week just to pay your mortgage, but Winchester was financing her building project on a 50 percent stake in the company and, according to CSICOP, a daily salary of $1,000. Artists and intellectuals began to express their views of how the dynamics of higher dimensional space might work. Viewed through that lens, perhaps Sarah Winchester started building her house to throw away the family fortune. Thus, the number 51 (Sarah Pardee) mating with the number 52 ( Winchester) combined in the most unifying of numbers, 103, i.e. She turned to a psychic named Adam Coons, who allegedly told her to move west to build an ever-growing home for all the spirits of victims of Winchester victims. The deeper truth about Cressida is that she does whatever she must in order to surviveand Sarah, in her own way, saw herself as a survivor. His widow, Sarah, inherited his vast fortune and 50% . Also, 13 and 31 possess the unique quality of generating (reverse) palindromic twins when they are squared, i.e. Sadly, Sarah and William's infant daughter, Annie, died from a mysterious childhood disease in 1866. The exterior wall around the entrance has 13 wood panels. However, she also keyed on the Master number 11, as it applies to her name. The E stands for Exceptional, while the 8, of course, refers to the eighth ordinal point (occupied by the number 13) in the Fibonacci sequence. Moreover, when we place the numbers side-by-side, i.e. Naturally, Sarah is making use the latter form. He was the son of Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Hope and was born in Boston. You don't need to believe in ghosts to appreciate a great ghost story. We are also reminded of the image of Francis Bacon (in Whitneys Book of Emblems) stamping at the serpent with a similar staff. However, both Richard and Sarah resolve to overcome their plight with the phrase: Yet, Ill hammert out. For Richard, this is meant figuratively, but for Sarah, the interpretation took on a more literal meaning. Therefore, six pyramidal bases equate to the number 24. The gate to heaven would truly be the most splendid of all. periods or decimals), the words and manner in which they are arranged have the appearance of incompletenessthey seem to be out of whack. With the exception of the inscriptions written on the banners, the windows are exact mirror images of each other. Death . The next thing Sarah wants us to notice is that the web contains 49 separate pieces of glass. The importance of the Winchester algorithm is that it reveals hidden symmetries that would otherwise not be seen or understood. As we shall see, the Belle of New Haven became a staunch Baconian for the rest of her life. Like Bacon, Sarah uses encryption code to guide us to higher levels of insight. Has Sarah Winchesters work been fulfilled? Their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester came into the world on July 12, 1866. But then, where are we to find such a book? Then, 38 + 73 = 111 (i.e. Furthermore, Sarahs use of Bacons stops (decimals or periods) in the inscriptions indicates that something is further concealed in code. Since this point is the point in the series at which there is no further change in the, growth constant, this would seem to be a reasonable basis for taking 13 periods as, the maximum number of periods by which a reference point and a structuring, point can be separated in order to constitute a coherent waveThere are other, approaches as well that arrive at the number 13 as defining the limit of a coherent, structure. The reason for the north facing orientation of the window is that it leads to the immortal star Sirius. Again, Roosevelts offer was turned down. Sure enough, 9 x 13 = 117 (Bacons code number for John Dee). This was an enormous sum for that time, but the wealth was no consolation to her losses. The posts alternate: one, right-side-up, one, up-side-down, one right-side-up, etc.resulting in 5 right-side-up posts and 6 up-side-down posts. She left a will written in thirteen sections, which she signed thirteen times. If you had $1,000 a day to spend, you'd probably build a mystery house, too. She wants us to know and understand certain things. . Both Bacon and Sarah had to have been keenly aware of this. Courtesy of the Winchester Mystery House. Furthermore, Sarah adds a lesson in higher dimensional mathematics. When a man walks down 7 steps, and then up 11 steps, what has he gained? William G Winchester William Winchester (1911 . His siblings include: Ann Rebecca Winchester (1835-1864) who married Charles B. Dye; and Hannah Jane Winchester who married Thomas Gray Bennett. The Winchester House has many 13-paned . William Wirt Winchester was born on June 22 1837, in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States, to Oliver Fisher Winchester and Jane Ellen Winchester. Michio Kaku, Hyperspace, published by Anchor Books DOUBLEDAY, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland, 1994. Thus, Sarah induces us to multiply 11 x 7. The webs center is occupied by a circle. It's tough to imagine a house that big, and apparently, it was tough for Winchester, too. When Winchester died on December 11, 1880, his ownership in the company passed to his son, William Wirt Winchester, who died of tuberculosis in March of the next year. [7], In 1888 Winchester purchased 140 acres of land, the majority of what is now downtown Los Altos, California, to use as a ranch. These windows were meant for other people! William Wirt Winchester was the second president of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company from 1880 to 1881. of Connecticut, Morning Journal and Courier - Mar 11 1881, Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963, Morning Journal and Courier - Mar 10 1881, 1 + 1 = 2, then 1 + 2 = 3, then 2 + 3 = 5, then 5 + 3 = 8, then 8 + 5 = 13, and so on. Ralph Rambo, Lady of Mystery, published by THE PRESS, San Jose, California, 1967. Moreover, any 10 year old child, armed with a calculator, can easily become a master of Sarahs number system. Then, we see the triangles all sharing a 13th piece within the circle. Since its founding in 1894, the Historical Society has been publishing articles about the people and events in the city's past and present. William Winchester is Notable. In fact, the cube consists of six, inverse pyramids, all pointing inward toward its center. In one simple lesson, Sarah has skillfully introduced the initiate to the rudiments of her number system. Although no mention has ever surfaced as to any specific guidelines or special instructions by which Mr. Lieb would select a buyer for the property, one gets the distinct impression that Sarah wanted the House to stand intact and perpetually preserved and so it does. Geni requires JavaScript! Also interesting, is the fact that President Theodore Roosevelt (another member of the Bohemian Club) came to California in 1903 to ask Governor Pardee to run as his Vice Presidential candidate in the 1904 national election. There is a staircase that leads nowhere, abruptly halting at the ceiling. William married Sarah Lockwood Pardee on September 30, 1862. Thus, the effect is more like walking up a ramp than climbing a set of stairs. In fact, she has already done it for us. Written and edited by distinguished historians and beautifully illustrated with fine and often rare images of the city, the biannual publication interprets the stories of people and places that shaped the past. Escher, The World of M.C. Practically a small town unto itself, the Winchester estate was virtually self sufficient with its own carpenter and plumbers workshops along with an on-premise water and electrical supply, and a sewage drainage system. Bacon, Kaye Cipher, and William Wirt Winchester, Pythagorean Cipher). And as we have seen he created a new branch of the Rosicrucian Order called Speculative Freemasonry., Bacons new, revolutionary innovations in the arts and sciences were built on the solid foundation of the ancient wisdom. As with the Templars, such knowledge was to be preserved and propagated through the tradition of the initiate.. 6447, then combine 64 and 47, the result is 111. Knowing the occidental mind reads from left to right, Sarah wants the initiate to start with the left window. Sarah adhered both to Bacons Kabbalistic theosophy and the theosophical perspective held by Rudolph Steiner (1861- 1925). In 1886, she purchased a small, two-story farmhouse and ranch in San Jose, California. And, as we have seen, the two letter Cs facing each other give us the number 33 (Bacon in Simple Cipher). the Theory of Everything was well underway. This is equally true of the base of a three dimensional pyramid. Moreover, you must then conclude that these Shakespearean Windows function as the introductory step of Mrs. Winchesters elaborate puzzle and she is inviting you (the initiate) to actively (not passively) participate in solving the puzzle. There are iron bars on some of the interior windows, but those were once exterior windows. Moreover, the Sun symbol is the insignia of the Senior Deacon of a Masonic Lodge. The Records of the Columbia Historical Society (1894-1989), published every year until 1922 and thereafter every two or three years, remain one of the best collections of information on the history of Washington, D.C. 4746, then, reverse their order in accordance with the Kabbalist Atbash Cipher, i.e. These staff-like branches with their distinct hooks are a direct allusion to Pans crooked staff that is also brandished (like Athenas spear) against the serpent of ignorance. William married Sarah Lockwood Pardee on September 30, 1862. of Connecticut and Jane Ellen Winchester In 2016, the Winchester Mystery House announced it had found a new room. Courtesy of the History Museums of San Jose. Gradually, the Winchester patriarch amassed a considerable fortune. By partitioning this number set, and combining the partitions, the symmetrical relationship between 7 squared, 11 squared, and the number 13 has been demonstrated. By passing through Sarahs gates, the initiate becomes his own guide and pursues the path of Self Initiation.. Yet, everything in the pattern leads to the circleand, everything emanates from it. 27 rotates into 117 (John Dee), and, when reversed, it is 72 (Sarah Winchester) or 711. Its the only circle in the windows design. This house was originally the home of Sarah Winchester, who was the widow of William Wirt Winchester, the gun manufacturing magnate. 12. Here, Sarah has ingeniously incorporated her spider-web design into the architecture as a calculating device functioning both as an instructional tool that shows how her algorithm works, and as a model revealing the fundamental, symmetric structure of the universe. The number 13 is hidden everywhere. We are indebted to William Rowan Hamiltons development of Quaternions for laying down the dynamic principle governing the spider-webs intricate workings. Mrs. Winchesters application of the latest technological innovations in her mansion, demonstrate both her scientific background and her passion for keeping up with new discoveries. She was born the daughter of Leonard Pardee and his wife Sarah W. (ne Burns), in Summer 1839 in New Haven, Connecticut. His siblings include: Ann Rebecca Winchester (1835-1864) who married Charles B. Dye; and Hannah Jane Winchester who married Thomas Gray Bennett. Dr. Carl Sagan explains the Fourth Dimension (VIDEO): How unlikely was the find? 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Laverne Cox Twin Brother: Photos, Articles W