He assumed the throne after being anointed by a messenger of the prophet Elisha and carried out one of history's most violent coups. Jehu was blessed by God for his obedience, however, his neglect in removing the high places at Bethel proved costly, as the size of Israel gradually decreased and portions of the land God had promised to His people were surrendered to Hazael of Syria and other foreign leaders in the years that followed (2 Kings 10:32-33). How utterly common this is! 10 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs. In the end, all leaders are accountable to God. She hungers to control and manipulate. King Jehu was the 10th king of the northern Kingdom of Israel and anointed by God to enact judgment against the house of Ahab for its wickedness.
Those who persist in sin will never find peace nor be at peace with God. The Jehu class strengthens the capacity of the coastal troops of the Navy. Jehu gathered all the usual suspects of idol worship and led them to believe that he, too, was a Baal worshiper. So he cant be stopped in the mission God has placed on his life. 3. Jehu was of use as a destroyer, as an image-breaker, but he was no national or moral reformer in the true sense. God meant life to be a shared experience, especially when there is a battle to be fought. Just because you live passionately doesnt mean you have a free pass. Because we are on our way to do what we have been called to do in this generation destroy the spirit of Jezebel that has slaughtered the unborn for an ENTIRE GENERATION. Ahab would go on to instate Baal as the official god of Israel over Yahweh. Do I have to say anything? Id be curious to hear if you have had any revelation about this and would love to read a follow up. Is it True for Christians That 'Once Saved, Always Saved'? It was marred with continued false worship according to the artificial religious system of Jeroboam I, a military record varying form . ), son of Jehoshaphat son of Nimshi (ii Kings 9-10); reigned over the Israelite kingdom at Samaria for 28 years (c. 842-814 b.c.e.). Kurt Cobain was passionate. Its the story of how Jehu punked the idol worshipers. a. until you find it, easy to drag and drift through life b. find it, everything is much .read more So he can't be stopped in the mission God has placed on his life. Jehu was now master of Jezreel, whence he communicated with the persons in authority in Samaria the capital, commanding them to appear before him on the morrow with the heads of all the royal princes of Samaria. The Jeju horse (, Jejuma) is a horse breed native to the Jeju Island in South Korea. Elijah was taken up to heaven, and Elisha became the next leader of the prophets of Israel during the period when King Ahab and Jezebel were alive. Chapter 4:Jehu. Do not be discouraged. During *Ahab's reign Jehu already held a position which brought him into close contact with court circles (ii Kings 9:25). Equus ferus caballus. Joram, one of the sons of Jezebel found himself in a difficult position. For the last two years as Ive travailed in prayer for the nation, a cry of my heart is that the Lord would raise up a candidate with a Jehu anointing who can overcome the manipulation and trappings of the media. Before his reign as king, Jehu functioned as a commander in the army of Ahab ( 2 Kings 9:5, 25) in the northern kingdom of Israel. Jehonadab is an archetype for accountability. With an outstanding tolerance of low temperatures . No surprise, it seemed he was doing the killing because he liked it, but because God told him to do it. One day, while in a council of war, a prophet arrived and anointed him king of Israel, and gave him a message from the Lord: "You . Your email address will not be published. They said of Jehu as he rode into Jezreel: The lookout reported, "He has reached them, but he isn't coming back either. Gods timing, however, is always His own. We are not just to destroy idols but we are meant to draw people to worshipping the only true God. Curiosity. He reigned for twenty-eight years and was rewarded for his obedience to God. If you think that is a stretch, go research NXVIM and Jeffrey Epstein for a day or two and realize that the media will not do the job to inform you on what really happening their job is as the prophets of Baal, to distract you from the truth and make you believe a lie. Jehu reminds us to be aware of the gradual distraction which seeks to completely take us out. God would enact swift judgment on the house of Ahab and the nation of Israel using three key leaders, telling Elijah: you shall anoint Hazael king over Aram. What amazing insight you had writing this especially as we now sit in 2020. F, This journal begins December 1st! His identity "in Yahshua"has been restored. God never turns His back on us, and always waits with open arms for us to turn to Him and away from our wayward disobedience. The spirit of Jehu is once again resting on the Church and is calling for the Eunuchs, those who have been castrated by Jezebel's control, those who formerly served Jezebel, to CAST HER DOWN so that she'll be eaten by the dogs. GOD REWARDS JUSTLY God rewarded King Jehu for his obedience by allowing four generations of him to sit on the throne and also punished him for not following his laws. Jehu-class boats are 19.9 metres (65 ft) long and 4.3 metres (14 ft) wide, and have a draugth of 1.1 metres (3.6 ft). Concordance 3058, 3068) 2. is not distracted by people questioning his motives during the execution if anyone is interested in hearing more. Jehu was now master of Jezreel, whence he communicated with the persons in authority in Samaria the capital, commanding them to appear before him on the morrow with the heads of all the royal princes of Samaria. And so, the downfall of Jehu began when his pride and desire for personal glory entered in. In control of Samaria, he invited the worshippers of Baal to a ceremony, then trapped and killed them. Its no wonder why Elisha gave his prophet apprentice the instructions for anointing Jehu to anoint him, tell him that hes king and then run for dear life. Proudly powered by WordPress . Jehu had an eager spirit. Shortly after Jorams death, Jehu had Jezebel thrown from her balcony in the palace in Jezreel. 1. Many are saying today: Whats going to happen? And those who get in his way will meet him halfway offering a false peace and a unity that is a farce. They should be learning agile and flex their influence while communicating and delegating effectively. Will our career politicians who still have a conscience and still have a soul LISTEN and do the right thing? Some contend the author of this monument is Hazael of the Arameans, although 2 Kings 9 specifically mentions it was Jehu who killed Ahaziah and Jehoram after being anointed King of Israel by a young prophet sent by the Prophet Elisha. Through generations of sin and apostasy, God remained faithful to His people, offering mercy to the nation if they abandoned their idols and returned fully to Him. Both kings fled in terror, but Jehu shot Joram with his bow and arrow, through the heart. Jezebel was extremely controlling, manipulative, sexually seductive and even murderous. Seventy sons of Ahab were sought out and destroyed by Jehus forces, all who had allied themselves to Ahab were struck down, and forty-two relatives of Ahaziah were also killed, removing the sin and stain of Ahabs family from Israel forever (2 Kings 10:1-17). Jehu recognized his faith and asked Are you with me? Jehonadab said yes and they joined forced. I. JEHU WAS DRIVEN A. The Prophetic Church, The Spirit of Elijah & Jehu and the Spirit of Jezebel. Omri's wall was 1.6 m wide and 89 x 178 m in size, covering an area of 4 acres. He called them all to a worship celebration of Baal, and took on the disguise of a true Baal believer. She is a seductive spirit mainly working through woman. Successful entrepreneurs have a distinct personality trait that sets them apart from other organizational leaders: a sense of curiosity. Rather it seems God picked a guy who enjoyed killing to stop Baal worship. There is no issue of greater importance and we will not be silent until the blood of Jezebel (Roe vs. Wade) is licked up by the dogs of Jezreel and the next Generation has a shot to LIVE again. If this prayer for a Jehu anointing on Gods appointed candidate resonates with you, will you take a moment right now to agree in prayer? Their displacement at full load is 32 tons. Click here to subscribe! By the time Jehus men went to bury the body, the Bible tells us, they found nothing more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands. (2 Kings 9:35). His son Jehoahaz succeeded him as king. But the Spirit of Jehu is riding once again. Unfortunately, we often learn the most from our mistakes, especially the mistakes which afford us painful consequences. ; Better known Jehu's are: After Ahab had died his son, Ahaziah came to power in Israel. Suddenly- when all seems silent. We read in 1&2 Kings that most of Israel and Judahs kings were abject, moral failures, who repeatedly did evil in the sight of the Lord.. Jehu even made sure the prophets of Baal were destroyed. Emily loves the scriptures and writes with fierce compassion and a deep desire to see people freed from the miry clay of this world and walking in the truth. Jehu may have eradicated false worship, but that doesnt mean his heart was right or he worshipped the Lord with all his heart. Any resistance to her attempts to indoctrinate or control the man results in a demonstration of her wrath. 8. Jehu destroyed Baal worship. The most Jehu families were found in the USA in 1880. Jorams body was then thrown into the field of Naboth in Jezreel, fulfilling what Elijah had spoken over Ahab when he murdered Naboth and stole his vineyard (1 Kings 21:22). This was, remember, Jehu. The rebellion and witchcraft of his mother Jezebel caused him to be the focus of target practice. Salem Media Group. In hiding from Jezebel, Elijah cried out to the Lord, asking, how long would the wickedness of Ahab and Jezebel be allowed to persist? Our lifestyle and action must draw to God.
Success often makes fools of believers. Jehu, depicted in Guillaume Rouill's Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum. Read below for context: Then Jehu went to Jezreel. 3 Reasons Proverbs 23:7 Says 'As a Man Thinks, So He Is'. But the LINE is being drawn in the sand and many are having to choose where they will stand. Fall in behind me. (2 Kings 9). When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/Yurii Kifor. [She] has her victims doing her dirty work for her. [18], Aside from the Hebrew Scriptures, Jehu appears in Assyrian documents, notably in the Black Obelisk where he is depicted as kissing the ground in front of Shalmaneser III and presenting a gift (maddattu a Ia--akaspu mdu "tribute of Jehumuch silver"). There is a limit to the extent and to the ways in which he will use godless men. Of course, Jehus reform did not stop with the house of Ahab. Ahab's entire family was slain. The rebellion and witchcraft of his mother Jezebel caused him to be the focus of target practice. He enjoyed the life of power and passion in the company of demons, perhaps never considering that there would be a price to pay for his world view. Jeju horses mature well in harsh conditions due to their strength and fitness. King Jehu, the tenth king of Israel, was raised to power by Gods sovereignty for the specific purpose of exterminating wicked King Ahabs heirs, as Elijah had prophesied following the scandal of Naboths vineyard (1 Kings 21). There is a diverse array of types, each differently identified depending on their coat color. Empathy is a characteristic of Jesus. JEHU. I don't have a kingly nature, either and I do many things like a bull in a china shop. App 3 years ago i was slain in the spirit by the hand of God knocked to the ground. The story illustrates Gods disdain of evil and idol worship when it ravages Gods people. Ahaziahs body was returned to Jerusalem, where it was buried with the kings of Judah (2 Kings 9:28). See how these key leadership qualities can be learned and improved at all levels of your organization. [4], The reign of Jehu's predecessor, Jehoram, was marked by the Battle of Ramoth-Gilead against the army of the Arameans. The epilogue of Jehus life reminds us that Jehus obedience was partial and incomplete. God would reward Jehu for His faithfulness in destroying the house of Ahab and eradicating Baal worship from Israel, however, as quickly as His blessings for obedience were given, they could be removed as quickly for disobedience. Because of his obedience, God blessed four generations of his family. And I believe there will be a day that globalism may take hold. The relatively unknown Jehu's are: A son of Obed of Judah and father of Azariah (1 Chronicles 2:38). Jehoram was wounded and returned to Jezreel to recover. What was wrong? A Friend in the Desert Not on our watch. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Where No One Stands Alone Lisa Marie Presley Duet with Elvis, Bills QB Josh Allen Describes 'Spiritual Awakening' after Hamlin Collapse: 'I Couldn't Deny' It. As this verse seems to indicate, Jehu's family (and Northern Israel's last dynasty) is going to be punished because of the bloodshed at Jezreel. Jehu synonyms, Jehu pronunciation, Jehu translation, English dictionary definition of Jehu. However, this seems to be problematic when we compare 2 . He gave him his hand; and he took him up to him into the chariot. If you arent, youre missing the real excitement of life. You can put the pieces together yourself after reading this and praying in the Spirit over it. Is it OK to lie or deceive if it accomplishes a purpose? The wicked wife of King Ahab was thrown over a balcony at Jehus order. Knowing that King Joram had been retreated to Jezreel to recover from battle, Jehu swiftly ordered his men to surround the city to prevent Joram from learning of his (Jehus) anointing. There are five men named Jehu in the Bible, two of whom are quite famous. Jehu commanded that they throw her down, and they tossed her out the window, literally to the dogs. The rabbis have several pejorative traditions . Accordingly on the morrow seventy heads were piled up in two heaps at his gate. LS1.A: Structure and Function: Plants and animals have both internal and external structures that serve various functions in growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction. God hand picked a Good Soldier like Jehu!! For just as through the disobedience of one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one many the many will be made righteous.Romans 5:19, 8. e.g., Les Compagnons de Jehu (The Companions of Jehu) is set in the 1800s, during Napoleon's rise to power. People under Jezebel's influence tend to be natural leaders, although often operating covertly. This was about 44% of all the recorded Jehu's in the UK. And that spirit meets the false greeting of peace with this declaration: Jehu replied, What do you have to do with peace? Article Images Copyright , 4 Lessons We Can Learn from King Jehus Violent Reign, 20 Things You Didnt Catch in the Noahs Ark Bible Story the First Time, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. This is shown by those who have literally slept with the enemy and become blackmailed through honey pot situations some with foreign spies and some, even worse, involved and implicated in the abuse of minors and the trafficking of children around our nation and across our borders. (Ouch!) Our passion must be funneled into the right direction. So Jehu destroyed Baal worship in Israel.2 Kings 10:28. The fast and furious driver for God. But I tell you by the Spirit of God, when all seems lost, suddenly the Jehu arises and the Eunuchs will wake up and SUDDENLY, Jezebel is tossed. Thus, Jehu eradicated Baal out of Israel (2 Kings 10:28). Jehu may have been a bloodthirsty and sometimes ruthless killer, a trait God would remember and address in the days of the prophet Hosea (Hosea 1:4). [22] It is the earliest preserved depiction of an Israelite.[10]. Former Pastor: If there is a God, does he even make a difference? Jehu's predecessor, King Ahab, had "set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal that he built in Samaria." (1 Kings 16:32). Well? King Jehu was the 10 th king of the northern Kingdom of Israel and anointed by God to enact judgment against the house of Ahab for its wickedness. Jehu obeyed God with zeal, energy and enthusiasm as much as it personally benefitted him. ! Though many of the kings of Israel and Judah were wicked and led God's people astray, King Jehu was used by God to draw His people back to God. He was the son of Jehoshaphat, grandson of Nimshi, and possibly great-grandson of Omri, although the latter notion is not supported by the biblical text. Edit, Jehu was doing the killing not because God told him to do it. Fall in behind us or step aside. Required fields are marked *. He was hard pressed by Hazael, king of the Arameans, who defeated his armies "throughout all of the territories of Israel" beyond the Jordan river, in the lands of Gilead, Gad, Reuben, and Manasseh. As I think about this issue, I cant help thinking of James Ray, the self-help spiritualist who motivated people to enter the sweat lodge in Arizona where three people died last year. Jehu storms his way through 2 Kings 9 and 10 with fury and reckless abandon. Sometimes they are used to bless Gods people; other times they are used as instruments of judgment. Ive been reminded in this battle of the words of John Wesley in his last letter to William Wilberforce in the latters quest to defeat the evil of his generation: Unless the divine power has raised you up to be as Athanasius against the world, I see not how you can go through your glorious enterprise in [overcoming slavery]Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. Whether by many or by few, God can do what He wants to do. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it- not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it- they will be blessed in what they do.James 1:25, 2. God is sovereign and in control, all of the time. Who Is Lillith and Why Don't We Find Her in Our Bible? God picked a Good Soldier like Jehu! was buried with the Kings of Judah ( 2 Kings )... Reigned for twenty-eight years and was rewarded for his obedience, God blessed generations. 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