(Besides water). I think the. Your email address will not be published. Say a short prayer, thanking Hecate for her blessings and letting her know that the offering is for her. Help me understand the secrets of the cosmos, and what lies within the hearts of humans. In this capacity, Hecate is described as a mighty and formidable divinity, ruling over the souls of the dead. Hecate's Deipnon Traditionally, food offerings are left at the household shrines or at crossroads or other liminal places at the dark of the moon and once the offerings are placed, it is forbidden to look back at them. My altar for Lady Hekate! 30 Days of Hekate: 9 - Mistakes and Misconceptions. In this case I have to say, Google really is your friend when it comes to offerings, modern is just as good as historical. Hecate or Hekate [a] is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding a pair of torches, a key, snakes, or accompanied by dogs, [1] and in later periods depicted as three-formed or triple-bodied. The feminine energy of the Moon. Hecate challenges us to acknowledge the darker parts of our being in order to become the best forms of ourselves. Hecate Greek mythology Mythology Religion Religion and Spirituality . Murder is alerted by a wolf (extended . Consider using our menu or building your own using each of Hecate's traditional offerings mentioned above. Guide me in the ways of medicine, meditation, and traveling the other realms. Lets prepare a feast for Her and dine at a crossroads. If you can host Hecate Night Supper at the crossroads, even better! She comes to you in your dreams. 7 Names and epithets8 Variations on this deity (aspects, regional forms, etc. His forces attempted to attack secretly during a dark moon but Hekate lit a crescent moon, creating enough light for the Byzantines to apprehend their danger and save themselves. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. These figures hold symbols including snakes, keys, knives, and torches. Read that again. In her moon-goddess aspect, she is often part of a trinity with Selene and Diana/Artemis. To make Hecates supper, you can make a meal that you consume or, you can just have the food as an offering for Hecate and Her hounds. For example water, oil and wine were libated to many of the Gods, and sesame was included in offerings to Artemis. Clean your home as part of a new moon ritual. Hecate rules in heaven, on the earth and, in the sea. If you hear a dog this is a good indication that you have been heard by Hecate and her sacred dogs. Please note: She is invoked for justice, especially for sexual crimes against women and girls. Within witchcraft we cast the circle, which represents ether or spirit, then we stabilise and centre it by calling in the four quarters, each of which is ruled by a compass direction and an element. The same word in Greek indicates pharmacist, poisoner, and witch.. Working with Hecate and the natural energies that surround you will continue to develop your self-discipline and skills of manifestation that will help you to live your best, fulfilled life. Shes also a goddess of magic, mystery, and the lore of medicinal, psychoactive, and poisonous herbs. HELP OF HECATE Indeed, today is the first of Dandelion (they are edible you know, great for teas and salads), Pomegranate (because of Persephone/Underworld), Lizards sacrificial for a curse, probably not common, Blood yours, someone elses, animal, from cooking, Horse hair (UPG, because horse is sacred to Her), Artwork of Her and Her sacred objects and symbols, Werewolves Blood (UPG, the smell is intoxicating). 16 November is Hekate Night for modern Wiccans and Neo-Pagans. Required fields are marked *. The goddess Hecate sometimes wears a short dress and hunting boots, much like the Goddess Artemis. Sharing food with friends and family is a natural way of bonding and special celebrations, such as birthdays and religious festivals, have particular foods and drinks associated with it. Every once in a while she appears as a black cat, snake, or dragon. Hekate: Her Sacred Fires (various contributors), 2010. November is a special month due to the celebrations for Hecate during this month. " Hecate, whom Zeus son of Kronos honored above all others, granting her magnificent privileges: a share of both the earth and of the undraining sea. When they did, Hecate hugged her, held her close, and swore companionship to Persephone in her return to the Underworld. Shes such an ancient deity that theres quite a bit of confusion surrounding who her parents were although much credit is given to the titans Perses and Asteria. I personally try to grow as many of the offerings I make on my own shrines flowers, herbs and fruits, in my own garden. Contains spam, fake content or potential malware, Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses, The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca. We have a 4-way intersection relatively close, but it becomes a bit difficult to leave offerings there especially in the winter. Note: Other things you can offer Hecate are poems that you have written, prayer beads, lighted candles or tealights. But you could give her an offering if, say, you had someone who recently died, for example. : hekt), na mitologia grega, uma deusa, naturalizada na grcia micnica [1] ou na trcia, [2] mas oriunda das cidades crias de anatlia, regio onde se atestam a maioria dos seus nomes teofricos, como hecateu e hecatomno, [3] e onde hcate era vista como grande deusa em With this in mind remember that you can use the food available to you today as offerings, it does not have to be something from the regions in which she was worshipped to be authentic, the doctrine of signatures can help you identify other local foods. The image still appears on the Turkish flag. The goddess had unusual rituals performed in her honour in the Greek religion, which include the offerings of food - given at crossroads, road junctions, and any other sort of boundary or threshold - known as 'the supper of Hecate'. Travelers and sailors may also find themselves in her favor if theyre lucky. Eventually, Hecate's power began to resemble that of sorcery. This is what Hecate wants from us. Hekate has the power to grant or deny any mortals wish. Aconite, (also known as Hecate's, Monkshood or Wolfsbane), is a highly poisonous plant that is sacred to Hecate. If she chooses to lend her favor to your craft, then your manifestation abilities can become more powerful than you have ever imagined. Some of the indicators that the Goddess Hecate is reaching out to you include: 1. Keys for everyone! Hecate challenges us to acknowledge the darker parts of our being in order to become the best forms of ourselves. Hekate is invoked when justice is not forthcoming from other channels. Hecate doesnt discriminate when she calls to people. Child of Perses and Asteria, she was the only Titan to retain her control under Zeus' reign. To work with Hecate, meet her on her turf. In Hesiod she is the daughter of the Titan Perses and the nymph Asteria and has power over heaven, earth, and sea; hence, she bestows wealth and all the blessings of daily life. Friend and lover of darkness, thou who doest rejoice when the bitches are howling and warm blood is spilled, thou who art walking amid the phantom and in the place of tombs, thou whose thirst is blood, thou who dost strike chill fear into mortal hearts, Gorgo, mormo, moon of a thousand forms, cast a propitious eye upon our sacrifice. She may have originated in what is now Georgia on the Black Sea, home of Medea, her most famous devotee and priestess. Hecate is most often represented as having three faces, or even three bodies. Some scholars suggest that an ancient Greek womens guild, under the divine matronage of Hekate, once had responsibility for gathering and storing visionary, hallucinatory, and poisonous plants. Hecate is also regarded as a spectral being herself. Whether you host supper inside or out, the ambience should be dark. Spiders although this is more of shared personal gnosis rather than something taken from historical texts. Everything you need to .. What are the Wicca Sabbats? Cypress trees are frequently planted in cemeteries and are one of her sacred plants. If leaving these offerings outside, please only leave things that dont interfere with nature iron keys are a no, horse hair should be fine. 8. In her dark aspect, she wears a necklace made of testicles; her hair is made of writhing snakes which petrify, like the medusa. Some were rare and considered a delicacy reserved for those with the money to pay for it (including Trigl) while items were part of the staples most people would have had access to. Make sure you clean out the ashes afterwards. Hecate was enlisted by Demeter to help her search for Persephone, and, in some retellings of the legend, helped to lead her from the Underworld. This may mean different things depending on what needs to be done around the house. The Gigantes were known for their aggression, and Hecate killed the giant Clytius with her famous torches. On this night, acknowledge Hecates strength and the She is the protector of all realms. But for me, Aquarius Season: A Modern Witchs Guide to the Are you ready to shake things up? In fact, those who are afraid of or intimidated by her power may even be more likely to receive her call. Offerings for the Goddess: Hekate putamagic : These offering ideas can of course be changed depending on what you have available to you, what you can make and what you connect with but these are just a few of the items I find work best for me when I give offerings to the goddess of crossroads, witchcraft and so much more! NOTE: A number of epithets given to Hecate by poets, regarding Her form include: Three bodies or three heads (one of a horse, dog, a lion, sometime snake), a three-headed monster, sometimes She is identified with Krataeis (the mother of the sea-monster Skylla) and Skylakagetis (which means Leader of the Dogs). We see the trinity echoed in many other cultures, often representing the omnipresent and all-knowing. Pagan Witch. I suggest having a read of those posts on Sacrifice,Offerings and How to Offer in addition to this post at least, if you are Hellenic or wish to honour Hekate as a Hellenic deity rather than the way you honour deities in your own tradition. Because of this, Hecate becomes a deity of the Under World. While crossroads and intersection are often used interchangeably in conversation, crossroads are sometimes considered to be an intersection of roads that continue on uninterrupted for a longer distance. She was also associated with dogs, to the point that a howling dog was said to herald her appearance. Three-way or T-shaped crossroads; Hekate was a goddess with an organized cult. Of course we are framing things against a Christian theology . Hcate | Coven Wicca H C A T E .la Madre de las Lunas. As a goddess of boundaries, she can keep evil from entering a place. Will you answer There are many times when you can honor and work with Hecate. She rules wisdom, choices, expiation, victory, vengeance, and travel. The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley Copyright 1989, 1999, 2008 by Visionary Living, Inc. ), Strands of dog hair collected from your new moon sweepings, Other biodegradable materials gathered from your monthly cleaning. but, if you are newer to this heres a brief summary of what to do. She's my primary goddess, so I give offerings to her regularly. These are all classical offerings. During this time, I like to make sure Ive showered before I present my offering. Sorcerers gathered at crossroads to pay homage to her and such infernal servants as the Empusa, a hobgoblin; the Cercopsis, a poltergeist; and the mormo, a ghoul. She may be invoked for protection for dogs and from dogs. A great way to earn her favor is by performing mindful acts of devotion to show your commitment to her and her core principles. Quick, easy .. What is Paganism? Ancient devotees of the greek goddess Hecate celebrated with elaborate feasts and festivals. In many ancient artworks and statues, we see Hecate depicted in triplicate. Hecate, Hecat, or Hekate (pronunciation: H kh tai) is the most important goddess of magic. unless its perishable!). Ocompra.com. It is made of soy and paraffin wax. Athena is the ancient Greek Goddess of war, wisdom, and crafting. She is the goddess of purification and expiations and She is always accompanied by dogs. While this may all sound very cheerful, many know Hecate for having a darker side. Hekate dances in the entourage of Dionysus. You can leave the offering plate outside your font door (which is a crossroad between indoors and outdoors) or, between your private space and a public space or, as is traditionally done, at a crossroad. Have you felt Her calling? Jet is a black stone made of fossilized wood. . There are more of course, its probably not possible to find out all of the UPG and SPG offerings that exist, let alone the historical ones. Many of the foods linked to Hekate in this way were also offered to other deities or formed part of official religious celebrations. From the starry heaven too she has a portion ." (Hesiod - Theogony) Unfortunately, there are not many Greek myths about the goddess Hecate. On the flipside, Hecate can refuse to help and can instead allow, or even encourage, unwanted spirits to go in and cause trouble. Hecate's Power over Animals Indeed, today is the first of A flat cheesecake surrounded by torches (candles), As she was sometimes shown with a goat-head, goats cheese might be appropriate, Traditionally offered raw, may represent life force, A traditional protection from the restless dead since ancient Egypt, A standard offering to chthonic deities and the restless dead, A type of loaf or cake of unknown shape and type. As youre setting the table OR as your guests arrive, invoke Hecates presence by inviting her to join for supper. A statue of Hekate from the eighth century BCE shows her with wings, carrying a snake. Typical Deipnon meals include foods such as: eggs, garlic, leeks, onions, mushrooms, honey, bread and wine. Other items, such as the Red Mullet fish which was offered to Hekate, seems to. I Do we actually have to chant when doing rituals? Bread could be substituted, A standard offering to chthonic deities, again goat milk would be appropriate, Fish were often included as a sacrifice to her, and mullet was particularly sacred, Fish were often included in her rites as a sacrifice. Hecate may be calling you if you often hear howling dogs that seem to come from nowhere. You all feast on Hecates supper and enjoy one anothers company in the wild wood. She forms a triad with Persephone and her mother Demeter. Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses Written by Judika Illes Copyright 2009 by Judika Illes. A Friday the 13th in August is especially sacred. You can use all these in an actual meal that you eat or you can use them separately as an offering to Hecate at a crossroads. Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. (For American followers in the southeastern US, the bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) also has the distinction of being a liminal plant it grows where land and water meet and is a conifer that sheds its needles.). hcate (em grego clssico: hekt ou hekta; transl. The Most Lovely One; Worker from Afar; Three -Headed Hound of the Moon; Influence from Afar; The One Before the Gate; Light Bringer. She rules over the waning and dark moon, a two-week period that is best for magic that deals with banishing, releasing, planning and introspection. 3.4K me gusta,106 comentarios.Video de TikTok de (@marywitchdioficial): Hecate #hecate #witch #witchtok #bruja #fypp #wicca #eclecticwitch #panteongriego.Hecate | Guardiana de la puerta, guardiana, gua | Lucha con nosotros lado a lado | . In Italy, Hekate shared a festival with Diana on 13 August. The night is quiet, dark and warm. once you leave the offering at the crossroads, do NOT turn around and look back. You can use any of Hecates other names during your witchcraft practices. Serpent Spirit Often depicted with a serpent or as the serpent itself, Hecate is a goddess who brings about transformation like a snake shedding its old skin. Two legends tell of her creating weasels by turning women into them. She is wise and strong; She knows Herself and all Mysteries. Serve a local soup kitchen or food pantry. Incorporate these colors into the tablecloth, centerpiece, and invitations. This mysterious goddess has much to offer her devotees, but only if theyre brave enough to meet her. The image predates Islam and was the official emblem of Byzantine Greeks. Some are mothers, some are seductresses, some are warriors, and some represent mystery, intuition, and magic at its lightest and darkest. Youve found yourself doing more shadow work. She chooses you because She knows you can serve a purpose and She is there, willing to guide you. It shouldn't be difficult to make an offering of an egg or a couple of eggs even in the city. Her powerful position was derived from the Egyptian mid-wife goddess Heqit, Heket, or Hekat, who in turn . Hecate can be called on for protection in hauntings, spirit work, purification, and for help against harmful and destructive magick. Here is the course: https://www.strategicsorcery.net/sorcery-of-hekate/https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co{ c o m m u n i t y }Join the online Wonderlust Cove. An offering for her - flowers, food such as bread or eggs Ritual: Clear the space you will be practicing in. This is Hecate affirming her presence. The flip side to faith or belief is work. She may wear snakes in her hair. This is a more modern way of honoring Hecate. Picture this. Low lighting, candlelight is best. 2. She is the goddess of the dark of the moon, the destroyer of life but also the restorer of life. More information Hecate Altar & Offerings More like this Wicca Witchcraft Pagan Witch Memes Arte Pagan Altar Witches Altar Hekate Witch Aesthetic Gothic House Gothic Room BEAVER MOON: Novembers Full Moon What Dams Do You Need to Create? We remember that Hecate is all powerful, all knowing and eternal. Hecates name means worker from afar from the Greek wordhekatos. NOTE: The sacrifices offered to Hecate consisted of dogs, honey, and black female lambs. Hecate, goddess accepted at an early date into Greek religion but probably derived from the Carians in southwest Asia Minor. Divination on the matter would be good too. Anything that calls out to you! I honor and respect Hecate as she is the one who guides me on my journey. Cord cutting help! [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="640"]. 2 months ago. Mullein, known as the hags taper is another powerful Hecate herb. Hecate is the all-powerful light in the darkness, challenging us to take the next step on our individual journeys. The Night of Hecate: Goddess of the Cros .. Correspondences of Yule: What to Include .. Who is Hecate? Medea, who was a priestess of Hecate, used witchcraft in order to handle magic herbs and poisons with skill, and to be able to stay the course of rivers, or to check the paths of the stars and the moon. In one myth, she turns into a bear or boar and kills her own son, then brings him back to life. Be flexible in your beliefs as Hecate reflects those who work with Her. Ask her to carry your message to someone on the other side of the Veil. Keep me safe from those who have done evil. More famously, we see the ever-present holy trinity in the Christian faith, and some modern Wiccans have adopted Hecate as their maiden-mother-crone archetype. I want to know, is this necessary? And find the most troubling?20 & 21 Art and music that reminds you of this deity22 A quote, a poem, or piece of writing that you think this deity resonates strongly with23 Your own composition a piece of writing about or for this deity24 & 25 A time when this deity has helped you, and refused to help26 How has your relationship with this deity changed over time?28 Something you wish you knew about this deity but dont currently29 Any interesting or unusual UPG to share?30 Any suggestions for others just starting to learn about this deity? If it was me, I'd go to a local park and find a place where two paths meet - she prefers dirt tracks to paved anyway, as I understand it. You can still honor and work with Hecate and also honor the god and goddess. Though she was once considered a protector of the household, alongside other major Greek deities, she is inherently a liminal figure. Once gathered, the offering is left at a three-way crossroads just before nightfall, and Lady Hecate would have you know that the poor, starving, and strays have just as much claim to it as she does. Since the crossroads is her domain, she may call you by giving you a strange or otherworldly experience at a crossroads. When you are connecting with Hecate, study, share your knowledge, practice regular devotion, participate in community service, make wise decisions and live a magickal life. The queen of all nature, Hecate was also identified with Demeter, Rhea, Cybele or Brimo. For example water, oil and wine were libated to many of the indicators that the of... The Veil also honor the god and goddess to show your commitment to her and core... Heqit, Heket, or Hekate ( pronunciation: H kh tai ) the. Who are afraid of or intimidated by her power may even be more likely to receive her call spiritualities... 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